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Interactive event on workforce future: #HSCworkforcefuture

May 30, 2023

1 min read




On May 18th, colleagues across the health and social care sectors came together in London to share insights and experiences, hear from leaders in the field, and come up with new solutions to the shared problems across care.

The day was divided into themes of wellbeing (how we can look after our workforce) and integration (how we can integrate the workforce), with an overarching aim of making it sustainable.

It was structured with key note speakers, including Sir David Nicholson and Liz Kendal MP, a panel discussion, and three interactive roundtable discussions.

In bringing together a balance of both sectors, where each individuals brought unique and invaluable contributions, we were able to think differently and fast track conversations to reach actionable takeaways.

Future Care Capital's Overview of the event

Nursing Times: Mentoring Scheme from Panel Discussion

Read Nursing Times Article 

Event Highlights


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